onsdag 10 juni 2009

Look around, it might be gone tomorrow...

Hello Folks!

Today I have this '' I want to write me off day'' tendency and since I got the comment of upgrading my blog twice the two last days, here I am writing to you once again. Cabriella if you are reading this, thanks for a wonderful day! You did a great job!

Almost 11 th of June 2009...One year since my graduation day has passed and gone by..Where do I stand today? Surely not on the doorstep of my high school with my white dress and graduation hat doing it once again. Life has passed forward to new persons, new enviroments and exeperiences, at some point it has to do that right? Although yesterday when I saw the first student walking with his white hat, I was feeling a bit nostalgic, missing the old times.

Time, time, time..They say that time is money, do you agree? I am not quite sure, although I am sure that it passes by like a flash! Just wonder what a difference a few seconds, minutes, hours can make..within seconds you can miss your buss to school ( check!) within minutes your life may change..just by one heartbeat, a car accident, going to the dentist or falling asleep in eternity.

Today while I was watching the last episode for this season of Grey's Anatomy ( yes you may call me a geek, but I really love the quotes and the persons in that serie) The main person, Meredith Grey ended the episode with those words:

'' Did you say it? I love you.... I don't ever want to live without you... you changed my life... Did you say it? Make a plan... set a goal, work toward it..but every now and then look around... cause this is it...it might all be gone tomorrow. '' ( watch the link below)

I wonder what have I managed through this year? And then I refer to my University studies, that are so important for myself. And yes that is important but I do happen to forget all the funny parts! Because once or too many times I over do it by stressing through time, thinking that If I do that, then it will be easier for me to reach my destination. But no I am wrong!

So if somebody asked me whether I would want to turn back time? I would say no. Because this year...I have made great friends and learned to see the small things in life, who happen to be the most important ones!

My advice to you? Read between the lines!

Goodnight, readers=)

1 kommentar:

  1. Ο χρόνος δεν είναι χρήμα sis μου...Απόλαυσε τις στιγμές σου...όσο μικρές και αν είναι...!Ας μην βάζουμε ετικέτες και ας ξεφύγουμε όσο το δυνατόν απο τα συνηθισμένα...!!Βάλε στόχους, κάνε όνειρα και πάνω απο όλα να χαίρεσαι τη ζωή!!Αν έτσι περιγράφεται ο χρόνος-χρήμα...τότε...welldone...!Eίμαστε στο σωστό δρόμο!(Δεν θα πω ότι είμαστε πλούσιες...(λόγω του χρόνος-χρήμα) γιατί έχουμε πολύ δρόμο ακόμα μπρόστα μας!
    So Mika...would u want to turn back time? ;P

    (Φιλιά!!Κ πρόσεχε την αδερφή μου!)

